Tuesday, July 14, 2009

97 Years

Today is my Great-Grandmother's ninety seventh birthday!

I believe if you live to be 97 you should get to eat cupcakes instead of boring cake. Not all cakes are boring, but the kind I make are. So Titus and I started the afternoon by making cupcakes and since Titus is in super clingy mode he stayed right by my side through the whole thing. And he loved sitting on the counter. I managed to not leave him to unattended. If he hadn't fallen off a chair last Friday and given me a near heart attack I would have let him stand on a chair in the kitchen. But nope, with that reasoning I sat my child on a much higher counter.

And here is the star of the show. My 97 year old Great-Grandmother. I will be 29 this year. For 29 years I have been blessed with a great-grandmother in my life. This one was just like a grandma to me growing up, we went to the beach, we played card games, I had sleepovers at her house. I have wonderful memories of her and her house in California and the dear town of Cayucos will always hold an incredibly special place in my heart. You know the smell of wet on warm asphalt. That smell takes me directly back to 5 years old and Cayucos. My great-great grandmother passed away when I was about 7 years old. I don't remember her much and I don't expect Titus to remember his great-great grandma like I will but I am so thankful that his great-great grandma will remember him. Dottie - thanks for kicking it with us for so long - wishing to spend another birthday with you in another 52 weeks

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