Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's official - He rolls.

Here is the first official video of Mr. Titus Matthew Spore rolling over, you'll have to excuse the fact that he starts on his side. That's how he does it, he gets up on his side from being on his back and then rolls over to his tummy. Once on his tummy he does not last long, however he is holding his head up really well and will also rock up on his tummy.

Also, tonight while holding him as he fussed at me (pretty sure his Dad and I had over stimulated him) he covered my mouth as he fell asleep. It was pretty stinking cute, almost his way of saying "Stop talking so much Mom, and leave me alone sometimes." He is so his father.

Oh and I've been meaning to tell on him... in my nightly "check on my son before I fall asleep routine" I caught this... not only was he not asleep, but his finger ALL the way up his nose - by the time I ran back in the room with the camera - his finger was no longer totally in his nose but you can just imagine...

And while I am at it... and posting random silly pictures of my child. Here is the first time we caught him laying on his side. He had fallen asleep. Never thought I would think a picture of my child's back was so important to share. :)

Titus Rolled Over...

I am pretty sure Titus just rolled over for the first time ever!

We weren't paying any attention of course. So we totally missed it.

Brion was in the bathroom. I was sitting in the chair using my laptop. Titus was on the floor on his back on his play mat activity gym thing.

When Brion came out of the bathroom he started talking to Titus so I moved the computer aside and looked AND HE WAS ON HIS TUMMY!!!

I asked Brion if he moved him and he hadn't. Brion asked me if I had layed him down for tummy time. I said "NO, I put him on his back so he could play with his toys!" (He's recently learned how to grab onto things like the toys that hang from his activity gym play mat thing)

So then, of course, for the next 15 minutes we hung over him with the video camera going hoping to catch the next roll over... did it happen? OF COURSE NOT!

We have noticed steps leading up to this, just last night I went into to say one last good night, or do my paranoid mother check before I went to bed and HE WAS SLEEPING ON HIS SIDE! I couldn't believe it! So apparently he is getting there...

Brion is currently in the process of getting him onto his side and then trying to let him roll over from there. He's not really coooerating, but he seems to be having a good time. And I know Daddy is....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Like Father Like Son

There's been no question for the moment Titus was concieved who his father is.

And from the moment he was born people have said he looks like his dad.

In fact people would stare at me and then at Titus, they would do this back forth a couple time, and then Brion would walk up next to us and put his arm around me. All of a sudden this light bulb would go off in thier mind, their eyes would light up and as if they'd discovered something new and exciting they would exclaim "OH, he looks like his Dad!" It actually sounds like this "OOOHHH, he looooooooks like his daaaaaaaaaaad!" Why they would always drag out the words looks and dad, I do not know.

When we had our family pictures taken the other night both Brion and I were surprised at how red Titus's hair appeared in some of the pictures. Especially this one...
Its not that we don't look at our son's hair - we do a lot actually. It's just that it had never looked quite that red before and had never been so exaclty the same color as Brion's goatee.

However, that was Monday night - so this morning - Wednesday - was one of those morning where neither Brion or I could really open our eyes and get moving, we were just exhausted, not sure if that had anything to do with not getting back from Eugene until 10pm or maybe the hour or so of Olympics we watched during Titus's 4:30am feeding (a little earlier than normal). So when Titus started squawking at 6:30am he got stuck between mom and dad in our bed so we could all continue sleeping. And then when 7:30am reared its ugly head I practically begged Brion if he would shower first so I could sleep just a little longer. And then at 8am I drug myself out of bed to the shower. I thanked Brion for letting me sleep in a little bit and even asked him to get the diaper bag ready for the babysitters while I showered, which he was doing already because he is RAD. Well when I got out of the shower this is what I found...

Well much to my astonishment - they were laying the exact same way. Snoozing away. I think I may have even accused Brion of setting it up. However, he swears Titus had both arms down when he laid down next to him.

Like father like son. Boy, am I going to have my hands full!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Identifying Blessings

Brion and I are not rich. We work for the Lord not for a paycheck. We struggle in the area of finances and continue to try to balance our budget.

There is one thing we are incredibly blessed with that we could never ever afford. Well, there is more than just one thing. But this one thing happens to be the photography of one
Miss Ashley, who is becoming an incredibly dear friend.

As we were driving to our "photo shoot" downtown, not inside a stuffy, expensive studio we could never afford, although it wouldn't suprise me if someday she had one - but it wouldn't be stuffy - OR - placing my child and family in front of the cheesy background at Walmart and shelling out the 40 some odd bucks it would cost - that of which we can't really afford either - but instead we were driving to down town Coos Bay to enjoy an outside photo shoot with an absolutely incredible "amatuer" photographer.

I don't know when you go from "amatuer" to professional but I fear it won't be long before she does.

Regardless, this is one of the many ways God chooses to bless the Spore family incredibly. Through pictures. Pictures we would never have and could never afford, if A. wasn't letting God use her.

Here's a sneak peak from this evening's shoot.

ON another note Mr. Titus is exactly 3 months today AND officially took a short nap in his crib today AND is currently sleeping the night away in his crib for the first time. I believe he is officially transistioned out of his bassinet and into his crib. A few weeks ago we tried to make this transistion only to deal with screaming, in which we chose to place the bassinet top part thing inside the crib. This apparently had helped.

Well at 3 months, he coos but does not laugh, plays with both his hands, grabs things like his shirt, or blanket or whatever he can grip that his hands bump into, he puts his hands in his mouth, we think he is intentionally grabbing whatever toy we hang above him in his little activity gym, he can sit supported, and even hangs out in his bumbo chair for awhile, he still hates tummy time but he is an incredibly good kid.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

another week in the life of the Spores

Last week was, I've got to admit, what seemed like the busiest week in ministry ever.

Sunday was church. Is always church. And is a busy time in general. Hence, why my day off is Monday. Much needed day of recuperation. If the nap taken Sunday afternoon is not enough and it usually isn't.

Then Monday came and we loaded up the church van full of teenagers and headed to a small town about 45 minutes away to put on a VBS. We did this from 8am to 1pm. Monday was not a day off.

Monday evening we had a BFC meeting.

Tuesday morning we did the same as Monday.

Tuesday evening, dinner at Taco Bell with a favorite family.

Wednesday, Brion did the same as Monday and Tuesday. I went out to the church and had a game day with my kiddos. It was good.

Wednesday evening. We are so tired we are not sure we can continue to make it.

Thursday - same thing as Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - although I have joined Brion again.

Thursday evening. Jr. High Youth Group. Brion takes them sandboarding, Titus and I get a BBQ going at the park.

Friday morning. Last day of VBS in Fairveiw. Extra long day as we had a BBQ afterwards.

Friday evening. Family Game Night at the church. My event. Exhausted. Went well. Still have some tear down to do. Because at 9:15 we just had to leave.

We left our little man with a babysitter each day this week and that was rough. But next week will be a little better.

Monday, Titus will be 3 months old. And we are having family pictures taken. Yahoo.