Sunday, July 27, 2008

Titus Take on Tummy Time

Mom places me on my tummy, supports my shoulders with the boppy pillow, places the incredibly fun tummy time mirror in front of me so I may someday discover the "baby in the mirror". I then choose to lie face flat into boppy pillow where I gnaw on it and create a huge wet spot until I have managed to work up enough angst that I propell myself forward, knocking over the tummy time mirror and ending up with my face almost on the carpet. The entire time I have managed to basically choose to not lift my head in any direction, forcing Mom to choose NO on the form at the doctor's office when it asked "Does child lift head 90 degrees when lying on his tummy?"

I believe he can, but that he refuses to. He is after all bound to be as obstinate as his father and mother are, right?
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