Saturday, August 9, 2008

another week in the life of the Spores

Last week was, I've got to admit, what seemed like the busiest week in ministry ever.

Sunday was church. Is always church. And is a busy time in general. Hence, why my day off is Monday. Much needed day of recuperation. If the nap taken Sunday afternoon is not enough and it usually isn't.

Then Monday came and we loaded up the church van full of teenagers and headed to a small town about 45 minutes away to put on a VBS. We did this from 8am to 1pm. Monday was not a day off.

Monday evening we had a BFC meeting.

Tuesday morning we did the same as Monday.

Tuesday evening, dinner at Taco Bell with a favorite family.

Wednesday, Brion did the same as Monday and Tuesday. I went out to the church and had a game day with my kiddos. It was good.

Wednesday evening. We are so tired we are not sure we can continue to make it.

Thursday - same thing as Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - although I have joined Brion again.

Thursday evening. Jr. High Youth Group. Brion takes them sandboarding, Titus and I get a BBQ going at the park.

Friday morning. Last day of VBS in Fairveiw. Extra long day as we had a BBQ afterwards.

Friday evening. Family Game Night at the church. My event. Exhausted. Went well. Still have some tear down to do. Because at 9:15 we just had to leave.

We left our little man with a babysitter each day this week and that was rough. But next week will be a little better.

Monday, Titus will be 3 months old. And we are having family pictures taken. Yahoo.

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