Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Titus Rolled Over...

I am pretty sure Titus just rolled over for the first time ever!

We weren't paying any attention of course. So we totally missed it.

Brion was in the bathroom. I was sitting in the chair using my laptop. Titus was on the floor on his back on his play mat activity gym thing.

When Brion came out of the bathroom he started talking to Titus so I moved the computer aside and looked AND HE WAS ON HIS TUMMY!!!

I asked Brion if he moved him and he hadn't. Brion asked me if I had layed him down for tummy time. I said "NO, I put him on his back so he could play with his toys!" (He's recently learned how to grab onto things like the toys that hang from his activity gym play mat thing)

So then, of course, for the next 15 minutes we hung over him with the video camera going hoping to catch the next roll over... did it happen? OF COURSE NOT!

We have noticed steps leading up to this, just last night I went into to say one last good night, or do my paranoid mother check before I went to bed and HE WAS SLEEPING ON HIS SIDE! I couldn't believe it! So apparently he is getting there...

Brion is currently in the process of getting him onto his side and then trying to let him roll over from there. He's not really coooerating, but he seems to be having a good time. And I know Daddy is....

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