Brion and I are not rich. We work for the Lord not for a paycheck. We struggle in the area of finances and continue to try to balance our budget.
There is one thing we are incredibly blessed with that we could never ever afford. Well, there is more than just one thing. But this one thing happens to be the photography of one
Miss Ashley, who is becoming an incredibly dear friend.
As we were driving to our "photo shoot" downtown, not inside a stuffy, expensive studio we could never afford, although it wouldn't suprise me if someday she had one - but it wouldn't be stuffy - OR - placing my child and family in front of the cheesy background at Walmart and shelling out the 40 some odd bucks it would cost - that of which we can't really afford either - but instead we were driving to down town Coos Bay to enjoy an outside photo shoot with an absolutely incredible "amatuer" photographer.
I don't know when you go from "amatuer" to professional but I fear it won't be long before she does.
Regardless, this is one of the many ways God chooses to bless the Spore family incredibly. Through pictures. Pictures we would never have and could never afford, if A. wasn't letting God use her.
Here's a sneak peak from this evening's shoot.

ON another note Mr. Titus is exactly 3 months today AND officially took a short nap in his crib today AND is currently sleeping the night away in his crib for the first time. I believe he is officially transistioned out of his bassinet and into his crib. A few weeks ago we tried to make this transistion only to deal with screaming, in which we chose to place the bassinet top part thing inside the crib. This apparently had helped.
Well at 3 months, he coos but does not laugh, plays with both his hands, grabs things like his shirt, or blanket or whatever he can grip that his hands bump into, he puts his hands in his mouth, we think he is intentionally grabbing whatever toy we hang above him in his little activity gym, he can sit supported, and even hangs out in his bumbo chair for awhile, he still hates tummy time but he is an incredibly good kid.