Saturday, November 29, 2008


We've had a wonderful thanksgiving and have plenty to be thanful for; a healthy baby, our health, provision through God in jobs that we absolutely love, school, each other, our family - I could keep going... but most of all right now I am thankful for the almost 4 full days off from work that we have had. We haven't done much in most people's eyes, we have however accomplished a lot in ours - we have almost reached completion in Lego Batman. We are so very thankful for our 360 and Lego Batman and the connection time it has given us to relax and all be together. AMEN.

He's scooting all over the place and gets up on his knees and revs up to crawl and then back to scooting he goes. Quite the little army crawler if I have anything to say about it. 

His bottom front two teeth are in - as you will see in the pictures and his top ones are coming very soon I think - one is almost through. He is such a good little teether though - not a ton of fuss about it so far. 

He stands really good and supports his own weight, hasn't quite figured out how to pull himself up - THANK GOD - but he is inches from it....

He's currently in his 6 month clothing, but he fits in everything just perfectly so he'll be stretching it soon. Yes, he is still a skinny tall white boy. 

He eats anything we will give him - so he's made it through all the fruit and veggies and started into the meats, he got to have a "Turkey Rice Dinner" with us for thanksgiving. He also loves grahm crackers. This was a hard one for me, because I wanted to buy the teething biscuits but they are so expensive. So we started with grahm crackers instead and he does great with them. Dad loves it too - apparently he is a big grahm cracker fan also. 

We had one big oops where I did choose to buy the biter biscuits. Stay tuned for pictures of that fiasco.

Here are some 6 month pics of Titus. 

1 comment:

our little acorns said...

rachel these photos are BEAUTIFUL!!