Saturday, February 7, 2009

Update & Camera Dump

"I've found the cupboard, I've opened it and now I can chew on the containers of cereal I don't even like to eat. BTW - anyone need some baby cereal?"

 (This was my first time sneaking into that Kitchen place and surprising my Mom.)

"Oh ya, this is the life."

"Why are they always taking pictures of me when I am just trying to play my piano?!"

"So my mom thought it was pretty silly that I let this stuffed Caterpillar wrestle me to the ground, no joke, this is not staged."


Well, it has most certainly been too long since we've updated. If only you all knew how often I check everyone else's blogs in anticipation of an update. I do feel guilty for not updating often here. 

It's been a WHOLE month and a day since the last update - and well lots has changed but probably not much we haven't told you about in person, through a phone call, or email or even facebook, myspace or twitter. You name it and we probably try to communicate on it. 

Regardless, Titus will be NINE months old this Wednesday, he's super fast crawler, climber and cruiser. He knows he's so fast at crawling that I am not sure how much interest he'll have in walking for awhile. We shall see. He's starting to stand on his own, for a few seconds at a time. But he likes to jump so much or crawl so much that practicing with him is nearly impossible, put your hands under his arms and he thinks your going to jump him or let him down in standing position and he goes to the floor to crawl. He's really good at holding his breath as he revs up to cry, the beauty of this is it is usually out of pure stubbornness not pain or sadness. He had his first fever earlier this month, he was definitely sick, poor little guy he was so cuddly and sleepy. And I was a worried Mama, but that is what mamas are for. It was over in less than 3 days and he was back to normal, sadly I missed the cuddle bug that he was when he was sick. 

Brion is the new youth pastor at (our church) Hauser Community Church his official start date was February 1, but he'd been easing himself into it all month. He started the month off with a nasty tonsil infection, a touch of a flu and a cold that wouldn't quit. The antibiotics started to help in a day or two, but he had to "call in sick" to HS Youth Group the first night. He's much better now and the lovely white flora that had been growing on his tonsils is gone. (Yes, you may make a face and go "YUCK!") 

We are a busy family now. As of right now our schedule is a little crazy outside of the normal work week. Our normal work week consists of roughly the hours of 9-4  Tuesday -Friday, somedays start earlier and end later, and sometimes they start later and end earlier. We also attend church Saturday nights (it's work but we attend service) and work Sundays from 7:30 to 1pm. And now our busy Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings.  Tuesday - HS Youth Group, Wednesday -  Awana, Thursday - JH Youth Group. All of these run us a few hours, from 6-9ish. Needless to say our Friday nights are pretty special to us.  

AND we're moving. Essentially into a parsonage. It is the house of the previous youth pastor and the youth group currently meet in the GRAGE which is actually a large 3 bay garage on the property. We're very excited to move, not excited to pack, but ready to move. It is a 3BD 2BATH house! We'll have a guest room! And space.  We have a lovely apartment now but the baby stuff is starting to over run us. 

Oh, yes I am still working full time and will be for little while longer, but eventually I will go like 3/4 time and share some of my responsibilities with another person. I am very excited to see who God has picked out for that role!

We are doing some amazing things at the church and mostly we are starting a family ministry. I am so excited about doing ministry the way I see that God has commanded it and reaching out to families to help them raise their children. Instead of just trying to reach the children. It means change and its not always welcome. 

Well, that's enough for now. Its taken me long enough to write all this. I should probably go pack a box or two or maybe a nap.... hmmm....

1 comment:

KC said...

I'm excited to keep reading about all the stuff that you and Brion are doing with your church and I am glad you have settled into such a great community. Maybe the next time I am driving down to California to visit Bart, I'll swing in and get to meet Mr. Titus!

Thanks for continuing to check in...most days I can understand and accept it is all part of God's plan...but some days its harder than others to allow myself to understand that.

Anyway, good luck with the moving!! I'm jealous...our lease isn't up until July and I am so tired of this apartment. Of course, its been longer than six months, so of course I am tired of it. :)

Lots of love to you and the fam!