Friday, April 18, 2008

35 weeks and 6 days pregnant

I have really really been blessed with this pregnancy.

No bed rest, not gestational diabetes, no crazy wight gain, no high blood pressure.

If you'd asked a doctor before I got pregnant what my chances were of having a pregnancy like the one I have had so far, they would have said they weren't that great.

But they would have told me to watch my diet really closely, to loose as much wieght as I possibly could before. I didn't loose any weight and well my pregnant diet.... not that great.

In fact, no one in the medical profession was even convinced that it would be as "easy" as it was for the two of us to get pregnant.

I say all these things, because I want everyone to know why I think these things happen - BECAUSE OF JESUS!

This is not to say that if I had been given a "rough" pregnancy or even an "awful" one, that it wouldn't have been BECUASE OF JESUS!

Two Tuesdays ago when the doc said, lets order an ultrasound he measures too big. I thought - well, here we go, this is the bump I have been expecting.

Now, you see we know our due date is correct because well, we just do. He's a honeymoon baby after all. So its not so easy, as the few people who asked me "Well, could you just be off on your due date?" might have thought. Yea, NO, we're not off on the due date.

So today, Brion and I trucked into the hospital for our ultrasound. To find out if this little man of ours really is too big.

He's not! Which is good news... guess I just measure big (which is not what a pregnant lady want to think about, but whatever I already feel like a truck)

So they measured his little head, his tummy, his precious little femur bone. And all in all he measures in at 36weeks 2 days, so he's three days ahead of my schedule. He's just an over achiever. And weighs in at an estimated 6lbs 7 oz already!! Already??? my gosh, I hope he's stops growing in the next couple weeks like my books say! Ultrasound tech said she would put him closer to six pounds.

He's got little chubby cheeks already and he's head down like he's supposed to be. PRAISE THE LORD!

So my little guy is cooking right along. Each day I can't imagine being more uncomfortable, but then the next day comes and well... I am more uncomfortable. Some nights are better than others and some are awful. I think I am starting to have not so comfortable braxton hicks or maybe a contraction every now and then. Something that doesn't feel good at least. The stretching/pulling pains have mellowed out a little bit... Thank you Jesus!

And well, we just keep trucking along.

Funny thing for a pregnant lady to do: Put on one of your non-maternity shirts 4 weeks before you are due. Now I switched to maternity shirts well before I probably needed to, but man are they comfortable. So when I switched I could still wear my regular t-shirts. Well last night I making spaghetti sauce and since I don't have an apron I try to use an old t-shirt that I don't care if it gets splashed on so I threw on an old regular t-shirt. It barely covered my belly button! I know my belly has a baby in it and that it had gotten bigger, but I just didn't really realize how much bigger!!!!

And now I go.

Ashley please note that is two posts in one month. :)


Ashley said...

You posted so often that I didn't even catch it the day it was posted... guess I need to check in more often! So happy that your prengnacy have been perfect!! Titus is going to be so beautiful, we are so excited to meet him ;0)


Ashley said...

I wanna see little Titus!!!! Oh I just can't wait, I wanted to come visit you in the hospital but I know you were probably overwhelmed and exhausted! Can I come take pictures of the little guy for you guys?? I just got some new camera gear and I am ready :0) CONGRATS!!!!!
